Checq cleaning services checklist

CSS Cleaning Facilities Checklist


Css Cleaning provides a B2B cleaning service. Everyday teams are sent all over the country to perform tasks.

The goal of this project was to help the company improve it's view over the job done and help it's cleaners to know exactly what to do on each site.

Admin management of the spaces
This admin interface helps manage the spaces of each cleaning site


Product Designer

User Research, Personae, Wireframing, Visual design, Prototyping


With the amount of services and locations growing, CSS Cleaning needed to have a better view of the lists of sites and taks to perform.

Moreover, providing the many addresses of the sites to the teams without making mistakes became a real challenge. Also when on site the teams had to deal with the specific needs of each client.

Paper management became a real trial.

Cleaning offices
CSS Cleaning is a B2B service, office cleaning

The problem

Cleaning teams are starting at the beginning of the day. They have several locations to go to. At each location they have rooms to maintain.

Not all rooms need to be maintained, and each room have differents tasks to be carried out.

Sometimes the client ask for an extra task, an extra room or on the contrary don't need some tasks to be performed or even some days they don't need the services at all.

Of course these modifications happens during the day the tasks needs to be done.

So the planning manager must call the teams, who are working and therefore are not always available, to inform them of the changes, new addresses, new tasks, etc.

The solution

After researches, poll and analysis with the client and the teams, conclusion was made that the best way to manage all this was with a mobile app.

Therefore a task force was set up with the client, the planning manager and the developping company, to work on the features needed. All the pains has been identified and also the potential solutions among the proposed features. Those became the essential ones, the nice to have ones came in a version 2 and the trivial or ultimately useless options have been dropped.

The prototype of the application
Once again the prototype helped a lot to take decisions before production

The interface

This project is highlighted for it's user interface.

The ultra clean neumporphism design was the moodboard proposal that emerged unanimously. Of course the A11y compatibility was double checked because such a bias on the design can quickly cause readability problems.

The final design in neumporphism
Neumorphism was a nobrainer for this clean interface